Monday, September 27, 2010

Montana 1948 Essay

Write a formal essay (1-2 pages) on one of the questions below:

1. What does Montana 1948 tell us about growing up?
2. Montana 1948 is a story about the difference between law and justice. Do you agree?
3. What do we learn about power and justice in Montana 1948?
4. In Montana 1948, the Hayden men are torn between justice and family loyalty. How do different men handle this tension?
5. How is racism evident in the behavior of characters in Montana 1948?
Your answers should be written in Standard English and in the style of a formal essay. They could have a clear introduction and conclusion and have three full ideas in paragraphs in between. At the very least your points should be supported by example from this book. Even better, they should be supported by actual quotations from this book.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting thanks. I believe there's even more that could be on there! keep it up research paper for me


Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember"

  Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember" Marcy Gamzon • Sep 21 (Edited Sep 21) 100 points Due Tomorrow AGENDA:...