Monday, September 30, 2019

Animated Poetry links

Add "slide"--TITLE (home)
Add text--CAPTION (home)--can change size, color, font, etc.
Add video or photo (home)
Add music (home)

Link for music converter:

Rattlebone/The Creation


Vocabulary: Practice and study Rattlebone vocabulary for quiz on Wednesday

2. Next chapter in Rattlebone:

"The Creation" --listen to the poem 

The Creation - Poem by James Weldon Johnson

And God stepped out on space,
And he looked around and said:
I'm lonely--
I'll make me a world.

And far as the eye of God could see
Darkness covered everything,
Blacker than a hundred midnights
Down in a cypress swamp.

Then God smiled,
And the light broke,
And the darkness rolled up on one side,
And the light stood shining on the other,
And God said: That's good!

Then God reached out and took the light in his hands,
And God rolled the light around in his hands
Until he made the sun;
And he set that sun a-blazing in the heavens.
And the light that was left from making the sun
God gathered it up in a shining ball
And flung it against the darkness,
Spangling the night with the moon and stars.
Then down between
The darkness and the light
He hurled the world;
And God said: That's good!

Then God himself stepped down--
And the sun was on his right hand,
And the moon was on his left;
The stars were clustered about his head,
And the earth was under his feet.
And God walked, and where he trod
His footsteps hollowed the valleys out
And bulged the mountains up.

Then he stopped and looked and saw
That the earth was hot and barren.
So God stepped over to the edge of the world
And he spat out the seven seas--
He batted his eyes, and the lightnings flashed--
He clapped his hands, and the thunders rolled--
And the waters above the earth came down,
The cooling waters came down.

Then the green grass sprouted,
And the little red flowers blossomed,
The pine tree pointed his finger to the sky,
And the oak spread out his arms,
The lakes cuddled down in the hollows of the ground,
And the rivers ran down to the sea;
And God smiled again,
And the rainbow appeared,
And curled itself around his shoulder.

Then God raised his arm and he waved his hand
Over the sea and over the land,
And he said: Bring forth! Bring forth!
And quicker than God could drop his hand,
Fishes and fowls
And beasts and birds
Swam the rivers and the seas,
Roamed the forests and the woods,
And split the air with their wings.
And God said: That's good!

Then God walked around,
And God looked around
On all that he had made.
He looked at his sun,
And he looked at his moon,
And he looked at his little stars;
He looked on his world
With all its living things,
And God said: I'm lonely still.

Then God sat down--
On the side of a hill where he could think;
By a deep, wide river he sat down;
With his head in his hands,
God thought and thought,
Till he thought: I'll make me a man!

Up from the bed of the river
God scooped the clay;
And by the bank of the river
He kneeled him down;
And there the great God Almighty
Who lit the sun and fixed it in the sky,
Who flung the stars to the most far corner of the night,
Who rounded the earth in the middle of his hand;
This great God,
Like a mammy bending over her baby,
Kneeled down in the dust
Toiling over a lump of clay
Till he shaped it in is his own image;

Then into it he blew the breath of life,
And man became a living soul.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Animated Poetry/Rattlebone


Continue to work on your Animated Poem and Rattlebone short story

Continue to work on questions in your Rattlebone study guide

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Animated Poetry


Go to Poetry 180:  Billy Collins' web site:

Select a poem to "animate" (shorter poems work best).
Copy and paste your poem on a Word document.
Find images on Google that help to express the mood or imagery of the poem.
These will be backgrounds for the text.

Go to Movie Maker.  Take a tour and follow the instructions on how to use it.
Copy and paste text into Movie Maker.
Copy and paste your images as well into Movie Maker to support the text.


Rattlebone Vocabulary

AGENDA: has Rattlebone vocabulary practice!

Lay or Lie?

Lay means "to place something down." It is something you do to something else.

Incorrect: Lie the book on the table.
Correct: Lay the book on the table.
(It is being done to something else.)

Lie means "to recline" or "be placed." It does not act on anything or anyone else.
Incorrect: Lay down on the couch.
Correct: Lie down on the couch.
(It is not being done to anything else.)

The reason lay and lie are confusing is their past tenses.

The past tense of lay is laid.

The past tense of lie is lay.

Incorrect: I lay it down here yesterday.
Correct: I laid it down here yesterday.
(It is being done to something else.)

Incorrect: Last night I laid awake in bed.
Correct: Last night I lay awake in bed.
(It is not being done to anything else.)
Your Assignment: Write two sentences for "lay" and two sentences for "lie" using each word correctly. There should be a total of four sentences.

We will be finished with the book this week. Here's the rest of the vocabulary. We will be having a short quiz on the vocab FRIDAY

Rattlebone Vocabulary

Happenstance (pg. 6): A chance happening or event

Capricious (pg. 13): Erratic or obsolete

Corporal-punishment (pg. 17): Physical punishment, inflicted on the body of one convicted of a crime: formerly included the death penalty

Cicadas (pg.27): A large insect, similar to the grasshopper

Unfettered (pg. 43): Liberated, set free

Bristled (pg. 45): To react in an angry or offended manner

Mouton (pg. 56): Sheepskin

Putrid (pg. 56): Rotten, foul smelli

 (pg. 101): a piece of furniture that serves as a closet, similar to a armoir

 (pg. 107): Food poisonin

(pg. 144): A form of religious belief of African origin, practiced in some parts of the West Indies, Jamaica, and nearby tropical America, involving sorcery

(pg. 158): An object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury

 (pg. 159): Having or producing sound, a full, deep, rich sound, Impressive in style of speech

 (pg. 194): Dignified and impressive, as in size or proportion

 (pg. 209): an acquired skin disease characterized by patches of unpigmented skin

HMWK:  Read next 2 chapters in Rattlebone, work on study guide  
The Great War and Secret Love

Friday, September 20, 2019

Rattlebone and other assignments


NEW SIGN-IN for  Study Rattlebone vocabulary!

READING:  Work on study guide questions for Rattlebone

Be sure to turn in Natalie Goldberg Test #1--I remember for credit

Be sure to turn in POV exercise for credit.

Be sure to revise and turn in 15 sentence poem.  Only keep images and phrases that work for you.  Get rid of unnecessary words.  Consider enjambment (running a sentence on to the next line).  What about STANZAS!

Work on Rattlebone story.  Use the padlet ( to collect images and information.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rattlebone Assignment

Rattlebone Writing Assignment

RATTLEBONE WRITING ASSIGNMENT: After reading Rattlebone by Maxine Clair, write a short story (at least 4 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font) that uses setting and time in American history as background for a "coming of age" story with a young protagonist.  Your story should reveal the impact this important event has on the protagonist.

Do research on your important "historical" event to provide accurate details in your story.

If you have an idea for the story, speak to Ms. Gamzon about it.  If you are looking for an idea, start with your own birthday and look it up in "This Day in American History."

Background for Rattlebone

The Civil Rights Movement in the American South was a struggle for the civil rights in the modern times. It challenged the racism in America and made the country a humane society for all. Some of the popular people who participated in this movement were Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall and The Little Rock Nine. The Civil Rights Movement Timeline discloses the important events in this historical movement

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,  (1954),was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court that declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students and denying black children equal educational opportunities unconstitutional. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896 which reinforced segregation. Handed down on May 17, 1954, the Warren Court's unanimous (9–0) decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." As a result, de jure racial segregation was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This ruling paved the way for integration and the civil rights movement

Civil Rights Movement Timeline1954: The American Supreme Court declared the segregation in public schools in Brown v Board of Education of Topeka ruling as unconstitutional. 

1955: Rosa Parks, an African-American woman, refused to give her seat to a white person on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks was arrested on December 1st as required by the city ordinance. The bus boycott was launched. The bus segregation ordinance was declared unconstitutional. Segregation on interstate buses and trains was banned by Federal Interstate Commerce Commission. 

1956: Coalition of Southern congressmen demanded for massive resistance to Supreme Court desegregation rulings. On 21st December, the Montgomery buses desegregated. 

1957: Arkansas governor Orval Rubus used the National Guard to prevent nine black students from attending a Little Rock High School. According to the court order, President Eisenhower sent the federal troops to keep up with the court order to avoid the segregation in schools. Garfield High School became the first Seattle high school having more than 50% nonwhite students. 



WARM-UP:  Work on exercises

Rattlebone discussion and handout discussion questions.

Work on 15 sentence poem.

Brainstorm ideas and begin collecting images on a padlet.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Rattlebone/15 Sentence Portrait Poem


We will discuss Rattlebone reading on Wednesday.  Make sure you've read the first 4 chapters!
There will be a reading quiz!

Continue to finish your POV Exercise from previous post.  When you finish that, begin work on a
15 Sentence Poem.

Follow the directions for each sentence on a Google document.  Then try to shape your responses into a poem using lines and stanzas for formatting.

The Fifteen-Sentence Portrait

This assignment will generate descriptive writing. It is purposefully guided. So, begin by choosing a person to describe. Then follow the directions.

1. Picture in your mind a person you have strong feelings for. The subject may not be a "love" interest, but should be someone you feel strongly about. The person can be living or dead but should be someone you know or knew rather than a famous character.

2. For a title, choose an emotion or a color that represents this person to you. You will not mention the individual’s name in the writing.

3. For a first-line starter, choose ONE of the following and complete the sentence:

1. You stand there . . .
2. No one is here . . .
3. In this (memory, photograph, dream, etc.), you are . . .
4. I think sometimes . . .
5. The face is . . .
6. We had been . . .

  • THEN:
  • 1. Following your first sentence, build a portrait of this individual, writing the sentences according to these directions:
  •   Sentence 2: Write a sentence with a color in it.
  •   Sentence 3: Write a sentence with a part of the body in it.
  •   Sentence 4: Write a sentence with a simile (a comparison using like or as).
  •   Sentence 5: Write a sentence of over 25 words.
  •   Sentence 6: Write a sentence under 8 words.
  •   Sentence 7: Write a sentence with a piece of clothing in it.
  •   Sentence 8: Write a sentence with a wish in it.
  •   Sentence 9: Write a sentence with an animal in it.
  • Sentence 10: Write a sentence in which three or more words alliterate; that is, they begin with the same initial consonant: she has be left, lately, with less and less time to think . . .
  •   Sentence 11: Write a sentence with two commas.
  •   Sentence 12: Write a sentence with a smell and a color in it.
  •   Sentence 13: Write a sentence with a simile (a comparison using like or as).
  •   Sentence 14: Write a sentence that could carry an exclamation point (but do not use the exclamation point).
  •  Sentence 15: Write a sentence to end this portrait that uses the word or words you chose for a title.
  • 1. Next, read the portrait. Underline sentences in which you discovered new things about this individual or your feelings and attitudes toward him or her.
  • 2. Now, use this portrait as a starting point for a poem or prose portrait or simply revise what you have. (Be sure to keep a copy of the original, so that you can examine the changes between original and revised piece.) Do anything you need to make this a piece of writing that you like. Choose a new title, use the person’s real name, and so on. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

POV--Point of View in Stories--Rattlebone


EQ: What is POV and how do writers choose the right point of view for their stories?

Bellwork:  Go to  Sign-in at to join class.
Do assignment: 100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know


Rattlebone:  Lemonade--discuss story
Read beginning of "Water Seeks Its Own Level"--discuss POV

2. Thomas, Linda, church, parents, prayer

Point of View: _________________________________________


3. Dannie, Kyle, garden, sunny, flowers

Point of View: _________________________________________


4. Victoria, Harrison, park, dog, trees

Point of View: _________________________________________


5. Michael, Janet, party, dancing, eating

Point of View: _________________________________________


WRITING: Turn in Natalie Goldberg Test #1

HMWK: Read "Water Seeks Its Own Level" and "Cherry Bomb"

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rattlebone/Subject-Verb agreement


1. Go to  Practice subject-verb agreement 1 and 2 in Activity pack.

2. Rattlebone--Go over Maxine Clair's background and poetry from last class.
Continue reading of book.

Read Lemonade in Rattlebone
Finish Natalie Goldberg's Test 1

Friday, September 6, 2019

Maxine Clair and Rattlebone


Complete work from last class.  Finish Author Bio. with your Google account--take diagnostic

Take the pretest and post your results:

Maxine Clair Rattlebone

 Go to library and pick up Rattlebone.

 Read about Maxine Clair:


Maxine Clair's Poetry

Mirages hovered above undulant highways
and summer stomped his dusty feet,
conjured up sunflowers
that ran wildly through fields of cornsilk.
Giant brown faces with yellow rays
stampeded to pavement edge
and stood cooling their feet in the clay.

Blue racers that slept between slats
of a swinging bridge became Python.
Roused by Amazon and Watusi
they slithered to a rocky cathedral
in the creek bed,
and choirs of cicada droned a fugue
of The Seven-Fold Amen.

When the moon like new silver
rolled on edge across black velvet,
Orion laid down his shield
to play hide-and-seek with lightning bugs.
Children caught his eyes in mason jars,
kept the stars to hold to
and went to seek their fortunes.

Cursive writing separated us
from the little kids that year,
promised us we would be flourishes
of gold ink on a white bond expanse
of future. Letters flowed into
one another like jacks, bangs, secrets,
and banana caramels, spelling out

Then Norma's mother died:
draped in a navy blue sheet,
put into a Black Maria,
lowered into a hole.
We went away searching
for Norma's mistake, one something
more fleeting than Orpheus' backward
glance that set this thing in motion.

We sensed it then. Like a teacher
with the final word it would stand
stark, guiding our lives
as we made ovals, strokes, loops,
and slants, each of us outlining
one unknowable letter
in the endless alphabet.

Like a yellow flag, my mind plants
a singpost for itself, a re-vision

of something I've never seen, the re-seeing
of a scene I never wrote. Here it is again,
Soweto. Women walking on a road. Bodies
shaped in angles that hold a three-sided

fury with gnarled hair; slender shadows
whose reappearance could give me the chance
to rewrite my descriptive passages of the corpses
they bear, the blood they wring from their skirts.

As if clairvoyance were a gift, I've been given
the second sight of girls, boys, silhouetted
against a casaba moon, slipping past a gatekeeper
into cliché: thousands dead or missing.

And living is a sending out of moments. That
is the gift. Each must come back in deja vu
like a pod on a bough of the akee-fruit tree,
opening in its time, round with delight or venom.

When the nine o'clock whistle blows
our way, we can smell manure and bacon
from the packing house across the river.
The August night sky leans down for us
to touch. Mamma Hayes braids her hair

on her porch. Down the block somebody
yells, All hid? Next door Georgie, who's
too slow to read and cannot go to school, begs to stay
outside until ten when the street light goes out
and we go to bed thinking of school one sleep away.

Attucks, Wheatley, Douglass--mostly names
of schools we know, Dunbar Annex is ours,
a haven on the second floor of the Agency
where official workers must not be disturbed.
Hear our verses opening the day, reluctantly

at first, God is love. Make a joyful noise...
See us reciting in single file, eight rows
of faces, brown and artless as sunflowers:
.....Between the dark and the daylight,
.....When the night is beginning to lower,

our skinny stalks rooted to this soil
of English, arithmetic, geography.
We lift our voices and sing--not the dirges
yet, not the curses we will learn before
we sing love songs again. Black still verges

on the profane, the color of a bad word for female
dogs; for weapons, loaded snowballs in February,
on our sleds all day, a dose of coal oil and sugar
down our throats to ward off whooping cough. With
pudding and juniper tea our evenings boil over

like a pot on the back burner whose steam
rises and stains the wallpaper in shapes we dream
about. We cannot know that when we turn this page,
a schoolboy face with a bullet hole, the murdered
face of Emmet Till, will find those shapes.

The smooth, tied hands with mud from the bottom
of the river will worry our dreams like blood
on snow. We lift our voices and sing. Negro
History Week and we have forgotten the second
stanza but not our catechism. We know

the list: Ira Aldridge, Marian Anderson, Benjamin
Banneker, Ralph Bunche, George Washington Carver,
W.E.B. DuBois, Duke Ellington, Marcus Garvey
and on. Twenty-five Negro Leaders. We cut their
mythical figures from the glossy pages of Ebony

where they tell us to learn all we can, be twice
as bright. We ignore this reading lesson.
Those Negroes are history. They can bring
nothing from yesterday. We are today. In the only
future we can see, we are sliding downhill into spring.

In the first place
don't mess with no Pharisee men.
They don't mind taking your time,
but they treat you back-street.

Before they picked up stones,
threatening my life trying to make
a paint, sleeping with another
woman's man wasn't really no thing,
more like a little story to spruce up
the big one, but never a real
climax, know what I mean?

I said vows.
They said vows, too. We never
hurt nobody so I was too through
when this gang of priests and elders
--Pharisees mind yuo--come hauling
me out early in the morning
just for sleeping with a woman's
husband while she was off

in the valley. They grabbed
me round my neck, threw me
out in the road, tore my new
wine-colored robe with teh silver
threads around the hem. I would
have fought them if it wasn't
for the Man they brought me to.

He was squatting in the dust
and they called out to Him. Sounds
to me like they trying to catch Him
in a lie about being a teacher
and all. By now they picking up
stones and asking Him what he knows
about Moses' law that says
I'm supposed to die.

Well now, this Teacher stands up
and the sun's bouncing off Him
like gold pieces and He looks at me.
Let me tell you, I know when a man
wants me and let me tell you
He didn't. And he didn't pity
me either. He wasn't even lording

it over me. He just looked.
And way back deep in His eyes,
see like I could see a kind
of thing that the love I been
having couldn't touch. Looking
at Him was like falling
in the sea and the longer I looked
I could see He don't speak nothing

but pure truth and it got me
thinking about vows and such.
Like: they different from words,
they real, alive. Must be living
truth. If that's so, when a man
and woman vow it, they can get the same
feeling between them as a mother and child,

and as two brothers all at the same time
'cause they choose it and if that's so,
when they say I do, they talking about
a whole life thing that don't
get broken just from sleeping
with someone else. But nobody in their
right mind would want to come
between that kind of feeling anyway.

It would be an empty thing,
like hollering in a cave with no
echo--nothing you send comes back,
you can't get no real connection.
I was looking in the eyes
of this Man and I was making
a whole lot of sense to myself.

Well the Teacher Man looks
at these Pharisees and asks if any
of them ever done anything wrong
like lie or steal or call somebody
out of their name or swear or cheat
or gossip. Of course nobody
can say nothing. Then said this
Teacher, Whoever is without

the tiniest bit of sin can throw
the first stone at this woman
taking about me. By then I
wasn't even scared. They all
tucked tail andslinked off.
And then He says to me, Go
and I went.

Since then I ain't had nothing
to do with nothing that wasn't truth,
especially no Pharisees.

there were times she would play the piano
she would throw back her head and her wavy black hear would dangle
she would strike the chords and move on the piano stool and sing
Lord Jesus can I have a talk with you
Lord Jesus won't be long till I'll be through
and tears would be streaming down puffy rust cheeks
if there is no God there ought to be
the way she played and cried

Maxine Clair is the author of Coping With Gravity, a collection of poems. Rattlebone, a collection of short stories set in her native Kansas, won the Chicago Tribune's Heartland Prize for fiction and the American Library Association's Black Caucus Award. Her novel, October Suite, also set in the Midwest, was a finalist for the Hurston-Wright Legacy Award. A recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, Clair is Professor of English at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, where she teaches creative writing.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Welcome Class of 2023!


1. Welcome and Introductions
Welcome to SOTA's  Creative Writing Lab and the Creative Writing program.  
Welcome video:

2. Explanation of seating arrangement, how to sign in to the computer for the year and save this blog as a favorite.
How to log in: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Go to blog:
Save as favorite.

3. Sign in to Google classroom

Google Classroom ba5y3l and attach Grammarly at

4. Explain Course Criteria/Writing Lab procedures and assign lockers!  Return signed course criteria sheet for credit TUESDAY!

5. Activity: Pass out journals.  Sign out Rattlebone on Friday.

6. Morning Reflection #1. POST RESPONSE FOR CREDIT TODAY! 

7. Write a short biographical paragraph about yourself in the 3rd person (he or she) for the publication of your new book. Describe yourself to let your reading public know more about who you are, what you have accomplished, what interests you, and what your life is like.

Alexander Christie is currently a 9th grade creative writing major at School of the Arts. He is 13 years old. He currently lives with his parents in Rochester, New York and has a sister studying theatre in New York City. In his free time, he enjoys reading books and writing short stories. His family is very supportive of his writing and everything else he is invested in. Although he hasn’t written any long term pieces of writing, he hopes to write and publish a novel someday. Aside from writing, he also enjoys singing, dancing, and acting in various productions. He loves living in an arts community and being able to do the things he loves. Going into his 9th grade year, he is excited to be learning new things about writing and himself. He hopes that he can continue to express himself through the arts after school, and share his knowledge with the world.

Share these bios.  Post on blog.

8. Expectations
  • How do you want me to treat you?
  • How do you want to treat one another?
  • How do you think I want to be treated?
  • How should we treat one another when there's a conflict?
Norms for Discussion:
Student Rights: 
1. You have the right to ask questions. 
2. You have the right to be treated respectfully. 
3. You have the right to have your ideas discussed, not you personally. 

Student Responsibilities: 
1. You must speak loudly enough for others to hear. 
2. If you cannot hear or understand what someone says, you must ask him or her to say it again. 
3. You are expected to agree or disagree (and explain why) in response to other people’s ideas.

9. More about grammar:

10. diagnostic (go to Google classroom assignment)

Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember"

  Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember" Marcy Gamzon • Sep 21 (Edited Sep 21) 100 points Due Tomorrow AGENDA:...