Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Animated Poetry


Go to Poetry 180:  Billy Collins' web site:


Select a poem to "animate" (shorter poems work best).
Copy and paste your poem on a Word document.
Find images on Google that help to express the mood or imagery of the poem.
These will be backgrounds for the text.

Go to Movie Maker.  Take a tour and follow the instructions on how to use it.
Copy and paste text into Movie Maker.
Copy and paste your images as well into Movie Maker to support the text.


I remembers/Work on short story



Permission to practice:  10 minutes I remember/I don't remember

“Through practice you actually do get better. You learn to trust your deep self more and not to give in to that voice that wants to avoid writing.”
— Natalie Goldberg Writing Down the Bones

The challenge: I remember (select one 10 minutes)

  • Your earliest memory. Capture every detail. Document the quality of the memory — is it as sharp as HDTV or hazy and ethereal, enveloped in fog? Write for 10 minutes. Go.
  • Your happiest memory. Tell us the story of the happiest memory of your life. What happened? Get it all down, no detail left behind. The clock is ticking — get writing.
  • Your worst memory. Record the pain, the anger, the shame, the terror, the hurt. You’ve got ten minutes to relive it. Keep your fingers typing.
  • Freestyle memory. Write I remember at the top of your post, hit start on the timer, and write about the first memory that comes to mind. Ten minutes. Don’t stop.
  • I remember/I don't remember

Work on Speculative Fiction Story--Due Thursday end of class or Friday Sept. 29

HMWK: Finish Age of Miracles for Monday.  TEST!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Age of Miracles Study guide/Short Story Writing


Handout: Age of Miracles Study guide

ACTIVITY:  Choose two questions from The Author's Craft.  Respond to each question on the blog as a posted comment.  Be sure to use specific examples or quotes from the text to support your CLAIMS.
Cite text page numbers where applicable.
Each response should be at least a paragraph long one sentence will not get full credit).

Be thoughtful, perceptive, and insightful.


HMWK: Read to Ch. 24 pg.186 for Tuesday

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

 Spelling/Vocabulary  Age of Miracles    Sign in and practice


An Age of Miracles

He walked to the window
stared down twenty stories to the street
gaseous and dizzy as a swamp
not visible at this height
but there had been a street down there
and he knew

It came with the apartment
and the guarded foyers and halls
and the doorman
beneath the uniform
the television split-screening
front and rear entrances

He knew it was all there
and he was here twenty stories above
the unsetteled swamp-mist
he knew the trucks bound for the bridge
were still passing near
he could feel them rumbling
in the soles of his feet
so he knew

the floor he walked on
was someone's ceiling
and it was all normal tonight
and countable
a two-year lease because
a desirable
with full view of
a five-by-three balcony through the door is
$200 deposit
fully carpeted
self-defrosting refriger-
the balcony door is stuck but
He can stare twenty stories down
from the windowsill
watching the swamp smokes curl and thin
and the swamp lapping at the base
and the unpaid-for miracle
one inch at a time

Joyce Carol Oates, "An Age of Miracles" from The Fabulous Beasts. Copyright © 1975 by Joyce Carol Oates.  Reprinted by permission of Joyce Carol Oates.
Source: The Fabulous Beasts (Louisiana State University Press, 1975)

Work on 15 sentence poem revision and short story


Monday, September 18, 2017

15 sentence poem/Speculative Fiction Story/Age of Miracles


PERIOD 3:  Follow the instructions to create a 15 sentence portrait poem

The Fifteen-Sentence Portrait

This assignment will generate descriptive writing. It is purposefully guided. So, begin by choosing a person to describe. Then follow the directions.
1. Picture in your mind a person you have strong feelings for. The subject may not be a "love" interest, but should be someone you feel strongly about. The person can be living or dead but should be someone you know or knew rather than a famous character.
2. For a title, choose an emotion or a color that represents this person to you. You will not mention the individual’s name in the writing.
3. For a first-line starter, choose ONE of the following and complete the sentence:

1. You stand there . . .
2. No one is here . . .
3. In this (memory, photograph, dream, etc.), you are . . .
4. I think sometimes . . .
5. The face is . . .
6. We had been . . .

  • THEN:1. Following your first sentence, build a portrait of this individual, writing the sentences according to these directions:
  •   Sentence 2: Write a sentence with a color in it.
  •   Sentence 3: Write a sentence with a part of the body in it.
  •   Sentence 4: Write a sentence with a simile (a comparison using like or as).
  •   Sentence 5: Write a sentence of over 25 words.
  •   Sentence 6: Write a sentence under 8 words.
  •   Sentence 7: Write a sentence with a piece of clothing in it.
  •   Sentence 8: Write a sentence with a wish in it.
  •   Sentence 9: Write a sentence with an animal in it.
  • Sentence 10: Write a sentence in which three or more words alliterate; that is, they begin with the same initial consonant: she has be left, lately, with less and less time to think . . .
  •   Sentence 11: Write a sentence with two commas.
  •   Sentence 12: Write a sentence with a smell and a color in it.
  •   Sentence 13: Write a sentence with a simile (a comparison using like or as).
  •   Sentence 14: Write a sentence that could carry an exclamation point (but do not use the exclamation point).
  •  Sentence 15: Write a sentence to end this portrait that uses the word or words you chose for a title.
  • 1. Next, read the portrait. Underline sentences in which you discovered new things about this individual or your feelings and attitudes toward him or her.
  • 2. Now, use this portrait as a starting point for a poem or prose portrait or simply revise what you have. (Be sure to keep a copy of the original, so that you can examine the changes between original and revised piece.) Do anything you need to make this a piece of writing that you like. Choose a new title, use the person’s real name, and so on. 

PERIOD 4: Continue working on your speculative fiction story

HMWK: Make sure you are caught up with the reading for quiz on Wednesday

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Age of Miracles/Speculative Short Story


Bellwork: Natalie Goldberg Test 1

VIEW:  Ted Talk with Karen Thompson: Walker

Post a response in COMMENTS after viewing this video. 

WRITING:  Work on short stories

HMWK: for Monday, read to Ch. 11 pg. 94 for discussion, possible QUIZ

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Age of Miracles

Age of Miracles Discussion Questions

1. Bellwork

2. Think, Pair, Share...post a comment to Questions 1 and 2

Questions to consider after reading The Age of Miracles.
1. As readers, why do you think we’re drawn to stories about the end of the world? What special pleasures do these kinds of narratives offer? And how do you think this element works in The Age of Miracles?
2. Julia is an only child. How does this fact affect who she is and how she sees the world? How would her experience of the slowing be different if she had a sibling? How would her experience of middle school be different? 

Continue to work on speculative fiction piece

HMWK:  Read to Ch. 8 for discussion on Thursday 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Speculative Fiction/Age of Miracles


1.Introduce diagramming: Pop chart


2. Bellwork: Diagram two sentences based on models

3. Today, for a creative writing prompt, look over the following questions and write about one of them.  See where it takes you.  Any ideas for a story, play or poem? If you do have an idea, work on it for your first major project--a 4-5 page speculative fiction story.

What if? We love to frame questions like this. Fortunately these questions can typically help the creative juices flow as well. Try using these “what if” scenarios to spark additional ideas for stories, poems or whatever your heart cares to write. 
Creative Writing Prompts on What If Scenarios
1. What if you found your pet flying around the room?
2. What if you woke up and had a super power?
3. What if you suddenly lost your ability to drive a car?
4. What if you received a call that your parent was deathly ill or had even passed away overnight?
5. What if you discovered that you had another sibling?
6. What if you had the option of winning a large sum of money at the price of losing a significant memory?
7. What if you discovered that a loved one was a serial killer?
8. What if inanimate objects could speak to you?
9. What if the world found out the world was going to be destroyed in 2 weeks?
10. What if you met someone who could see the future?
11. What if your friend joined a cult that worshipped dogs?
12. What if you could change your career right now? You can do anything you want and do it well.
13. What if you could pick the next person to be a great leader of a country? Who would it be?
14. What if you woke up in a world that had absolutely no crime?
15. What if you could change people’s views on social issues such as abortion and other rights? How would you use it?
16. What if you stumbled upon $100,000 cash that was from someone who sells illegal drugs?
17. What if you had the ability to grow plants to their maturity at will?
18. What if you could speak to people who have died? Who would you speak to?
19. What if you could time travel into the past and future? How would you use this skill? What would you change?
20. What if your pet could only talk to you at midnight for an hour?
21. What if you discovered a creature that promised it could give peace to the world?
22. What if you could sacrifice your life to save a community of people who need drastic help?
23. What if you could live in any world from a fantasy or science fiction novel or show?
24. What if you could find the strength to forgive anyone, no matter how badly they have hurt you?
25. What if you could make any religious belief truly real? Which one would you pick and why?
26. What if you could stop a substance from being addicting? What would it be?
27. What if you could make someone fall in love with you?
28. What if an alien suddenly approached you and asked for your friendship?
29. What if you found out that someone has been hunting you for the past year with the intention of killing you?
30. What if you found a piece of jewelry that could give you the ability to fly?
31. What if you were hiking and heard a young child screaming deep into the woods?
32. What if you found out that in your past life you were a great historical figure?
33. What if electricity and any other power source was unavailable for a full week? What would happen?
34. What if your child or another loved one suddenly disappeared?
35. What if you found out that your coworkers could all read your mind?
36. What if you were unable to smile for a full month?
37. What if you could resurrect only one person who has died?
38. What if you had the problem to completely solve only one of the world’s issues? What would it be? How would you come to that choice?
39. What if you realized you were going to die 24 hours from now?
40. What if you could become a world-renowned expert on one subject? What would it be?
41. What if you woke up and your body was made out of bacon or some other type of food?
42.  What if you had the power to instantly destroy the world?
43. What if you had the chance to do a complete reset on your life?
44. What if you found out all the answers to the greatest mysteries in the world?
45. What if you could break all the rules and never get caught for three days?
46. What if you could completely change the way you look? What would you change?
47. What if you could change the political structure of any nature? What would you change? Why?
48. What if you could create any mythological creature of your choice? What would it be?
49. What if you could cast a spell on someone you dislike? What spell would it be?
50. What if you could be fluent in any specific language? Which language would you choose?
51. What if someone from private numbers were constantly calling you for three days straight?
52. What if someone tried to say you committed a crime that you did not do?
53. What if you found out that your significant other betrayed you?
54. What if you could stop an event in history from happening? Would you or would you be afraid of the possible negative repercussions from it?
55. What if you were having a disagreement with someone and they pulled out a firearm?
56. What if you could control the score of the a major sporting event such as the Olympics, Super Bowl or World Cup?
57. What if you could meet yourself as the opposite sex? For example, if you are a woman, you might meet yourself as a man. Would you talk to your other self? How would you react?
58. What if you woke up and found out that you were a centaur? How would you react? What would you do?
59. What if you could meet your true love, but he or she would be catching you in the act of doing something unethical?
60. What if you could have all your bills paid for the rest of your life, but you had to eat 300 mushrooms everyday?
61. What if you could write a letter to God and know that he will listen and take into account everything you say? What would you write?
62. What if you found out that you were going to come back as a ghost after you die?
63. What if you had a chance to do a boot camp? What kind of boot camp would you do and why?
64. What if you could create your own TV show with all your friends and loved ones as the cast? What kind of show would it be and who would play which parts?
65. What if you could ask for a warning about anything such as your death, a job loss, or an injury? What would you ask for and why?
66. What if you could drive to another object in our solar system such as the moon, sun or another planet? Would you?
67. What if you could successfully help a fundraiser raise the funds for their goal? What fundraiser would it be and why would you choose to help?
68. What if you found out you were going to accomplish everything you set your mind to for the next 10 hours? What would you do?
69. What if you could ask for a miracle and it would actually happen? What would that be?
70. What if you could control exactly how the last day of your life would go? What would it be like? Who would be with you?
71. What if you found the cure for one illness, mental or physical? What would you choose to cure?
72. What if you could make a high quality parody of something? What would it be?
73. What if you could stop time but you could only use this skill three times? How would you use it?
74. What if you could give your neighborhood a gift, that is free of charge for you? What would it be? Remember gifts can have both positive and negative intentions.
75. What if you could be anywhere for the next hour? Where would you go or would you just stay where you are?

HMWK:  Read first 4 chapters of Age of Miracles

Monday, September 4, 2017

Welcome Back Creative Writing Majors!


Welcome to SOTA's  Creative Writing Lab and the Creative Writing program. 
Welcome video:

1. Explanation of seating arrangement, how to sign in to the computer for the year and save this blog as a favorite
How to log in: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Go to blog: http://grammarandstyle09.blogspot.com
Save as favorite
2. Review Course Criteria/Writing Lab procedures and assign lockers!

3. Activity: Pass out journals.  Watch how to be awesome: Write your response in  your journals

4. Introductions--About the Author--Using Word on the Mac--
How to log in: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Go to blog: http://grammarandstyle09.blogspot.com
Save as favorite

Write a short biographical paragraph about yourself in the 3rd person (he or she) for the publication of your new book. Describe yourself to let your reading public know more about who you are, what you have accomplished, what interests you, and what your life is like.

Alexander Christie is currently a 9th grade creative writing major at School of the Arts. He is 13 years old. He currently lives with his parents in Rochester, New York and has a sister studying theatre in New York City. In his free time, he enjoys reading books and writing short stories. His family is very supportive of his writing and everything else he is invested in. Although he hasn’t written any long term pieces of writing, he hopes to write and publish a novel someday. Aside from writing, he also enjoys singing, dancing, and acting in various productions. He loves living in an arts community and being able to do the things he loves. Going into his 9th grade year, he is excited to be learning new things about writing and himself. He hopes that he can continue to express himself through the arts after school, and share his knowledge with the world.

Share these bios.  Learn how to post in comments on blog.

5.. Visit Grammar and Style Websites--Using the internet
Stephen Fry on Language:

Grammar Girl

Grammar Bytes

The Blue Book

6. Take the pretest and post your results:

HMWK:  Get course criteria sheet signed for 10 points

Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember"

  Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember" Marcy Gamzon • Sep 21 (Edited Sep 21) 100 points Due Tomorrow AGENDA:...