Saturday, November 13, 2010


I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Here is the warm-up for this morning:
Lay or Lie?

Lay means "to place something down." It is something you do to something else.

Incorrect: Lie the book on the table.
Correct: Lay the book on the table.
(It is being done to something else.)

Lie means "to recline" or "be placed." It does not act on anything or anyone else.
Incorrect: Lay down on the couch.
Correct: Lie down on the couch.
(It is not being done to anything else.)

The reason lay and lie are confusing is their past tenses.

The past tense of lay is laid.

The past tense of lie is lay.

Incorrect: I lay it down here yesterday.
Correct: I laid it down here yesterday.
(It is being done to something else.)

Incorrect: Last night I laid awake in bed.
Correct: Last night I lay awake in bed.
(It is not being done to anything else.)
Your Assignment: Write two sentences for "lay" and two sentences for "lie" using each word correctly. There should be a total of four sentences.

We will be finished with the book this week. Here's the rest of the vocabulary. We will be having a short quiz on the vocab FRIDAY

Rattlebone Vocabulary

Unfettered (pg. 43): Liberated, set free

Bristled (pg. 45): To react in an angry or offended manner

Mouton (pg. 56): Sheepskin

Putrid (pg. 56): Rotten, foul smelli

(pg. 101): a piece of furniture that serves as a closet, similar to a armoir

(pg. 107): Food poisonin

(pg. 144): A form of religious belief of African origin, practiced in some parts of the West Indies, Jamaica, and nearby tropical America, involving sorcery

(pg. 158): An object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury

(pg. 159): Having or producing sound, a full, deep, rich sound, Impressive in style of speech

(pg. 194): Dignified and impressive, as in size or proportion

(pg. 209): an acquired skin disease characterized by patches of unpigmented skin


  1. Yulyia Otchych

    Please, lie down.
    She laid the blanket on the floor.
    Why cant you lay that down?
    She just lay there.

  2. I'm very tired, i think I'm going to go lie down.

    The basket was moved all over the place, all of the belongings that were inside of it, lay across he table.

  3. 1. Lay the turtle on the rainbow, please.
    2. I laid the tiger on the table.
    3. Lie on the desk and the cat will come.
    4. I lay on the table and saw a leprechaun. It was nice.

  4. Lay your head down.
    Lay the book on the table.
    Lie down on the bed.
    Go upstairs and lie down for a while.

  5. 1. I lay the notebook on the desk.
    2. I lie down in bed.
    3. I laid my phone down right here yesterday. Today it is gone!
    4. Last night I lay on the couch because I didn't feel good.

  6. Adriana Perhamus

    1. Lay the magic carpet here, sir.
    2. Do not lie where the next magic carpet shall go, or else we will have nowhere to put it.
    3. He laid the magic carpet down incorrectly and therefore it only flies sideways now.
    4. I will have to lay for many hours underneath the magic carpet to figure out how to make it fly straight once more.

  7. Tess Austin
    If your sick, lie down
    she was sick so she laid down
    lay that body in the closet

  8. i lie in bed at 9:30 every night hoping i fall asleep.
    i laid my pajamas on bed before i go in the shower.

    you can lay that over there for me.
    she said i can lay in her bed until she arrive later tonight.

  9. Hannah MacLagger

    "Lay the kitten on the ground where I can see it and no one gets hurt!" the robber said to her hostages.
    Lie down and sleep a while, those intergalatic adventures sure do tire you out.
    She laid the wedding dress down on the counter, avoiding the mounds of cheese.
    He lay on the rocking hammock trying not to think of the venomous hippos waiting to devour him.

  10. The clouds lie along the horizon.
    I lie with my back to the door.
    I lay the book on the table.
    I lay my hand along the floorboards with the grain of the wood.

  11. Sierra Say's

    1. I had a very long day I think I should go lie down.
    2. As I look around the room to find my folder I then catch a glimpse of it as it lay's across the table.

  12. 1. If you lay down that lamp, I you can see the scenery on the desk better.

    2. The chairs were set up to lie against the wall almost as if they, ironically, were reclining.

    3. I laid down my book bag on the floor yesterday and now it's gone!

    4. I would always set up the beanbag chairs nice and neat around the living room in the morning, but when I come back every evening all of them are laying down sloppily.

  13. Last night i lay on the grass watching the stars.
    i laid your phone down on the table.
    i lie on my bed thinking about her.
    lay the ice cream on the box and come here.

  14. I gently lay my cat on the couch.
    I laid the book down here not two hours ago. Where is it?

    Lie down on the operation table.
    Exhausted, I lay down right on the ground.

  15. 1. We lie in a field of flowers.
    2. We laid our coats down on the grass.
    3. He lies on the tree branch over my head.
    4. You lay down you worries.

  16. 1: Lay the book on the counter.
    2: Don't lay the coffee on the t.v.

    3: Lie down on the bed.
    4: Lie it down on the chair.

  17. Djana Sefo

    1.Lay the dictionary on the bookshelf.

    2.I laid down on the bed because I was tired.

    3.Lie next to me, baby. :)

    4.Lay your head on the soft pillow.

  18. Don't lay your papers by the stove!

    If your not feeling well you can lie your head down on your desk for a few minutes.

    Yesterday she laid her book on the t.v., and now she can't find it.

    I lay my jacket down on the couch beside her hat.

  19. I lay the box on the kitchen counter.
    I lie on the bed watching TV.
    I laid the box on the kitchen counter.
    I lay on the bed while watching TV.


Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember"

  Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember" Marcy Gamzon • Sep 21 (Edited Sep 21) 100 points Due Tomorrow AGENDA:...