Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Enchanted/12 Days of Christmas BREAKOUT



Think, Pair, Share.   Discuss the following questions and post a partner response.  Be sure to list both names. :

3. Why does York want to die and why does the lady want to save him? Is he worth saving? How does she go about gathering evidence to understand his case, knowledge that might prevent his execution?

4. Think about York. What were your first impressions about him when he's introduced? As you discovered more about his story, did your outlook towards him change? How does the experience of investigating York's past affect the lady and her outlook towards York? How does it shape how she sees her own life?

HMWK:   Over break, read to pg. 131 or finish the book


  1. Linden and Harrison

    3. York want's to die because his life is nothing but torture. The lady wants to save him because it's her job. "'You know what I'm trying to do,' she says. 'I'm trying to do,' she says.'I'm trying to save you from execution. And unlike most of my clients, you don't want to be saved. But I want it' 'Why? Because you love me?' His voice was snide. 'Because you care?' 'No.' She feels her voice into a calm river. 'Why, then?' 'It's my job.'"

    4. At the beginning we thought he was a maniac because of what was said about what he did. But now he seems like a troubled person who had an an unfortunate situation. The lady sees the good in him and his troubled childhood and realizes their similarity.

  2. York wants to die because he lost hope.The text says, "So York did the unimaginable thing. He gave up. He renounced his appeals. He wanted to die"(Denfeld, 22.) The lady wants to save him because it's her job. Aryonna's first impression of York was that he was a sympathetic character because he seemed to be giving up all hope.

    -Pia and Aryonna

  3. Simone Andrew and Gio

    York wants to die because he lost hope for living. He gave up and despair pretty much filled him. "So York did the unimaginable thing. He gave up. He renounced his appeals. He said he wanted to die." (22). The lady wants to save him because it's her job. "It's my job" & "I'm going to build you a castle." (56 & 57).

    Andrew's first impression was that he was an intriguing character. Simone agreed, and Gio added that he wasn't like most people because he wanted to die, while most at that point would want to live.

  4. The quote was from page 56

  5. York has lost hope and that's why he wants to die. In the text on (pg.22) it says " So York did the unimaginable thing. He gave up. He renounced his appeals. He said he wanted to die". The lady wants to save him because that's her job.


Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember"

  Montana 1948 Readings/Natalie Goldberg Test 1 "I remember" Marcy Gamzon • Sep 21 (Edited Sep 21) 100 points Due Tomorrow AGENDA:...